Cyber-attacks on Kenyan organisations fell 13 percent in the first half of 2021, a new industry report shows, after firms strengthened their security systems to detect and prevent attacks.

Latest data from global cybersecurity company Kaspersky shows that malware attacks fell to 28.3 million from 32 million in the same period last year.

Kaspersky Africa Enterprise sales manager Bethwel Opil said malicious softwares or malware can get onto devices through clicking of infected links or adverts, opening an attachment in a spam email or downloading a compromised app.

“All countries but Kenya saw the relative growth of all malware attacks. Ethiopia and Nigeria have seen an increase of 20 percent and 23 percent respectively and South Africa an increase of 14 percent while Kenya’s number of attacks decreased by 13 percent,” Kaspersky said in a statement.

Only in June, the Communications Authority of Kenya (CA) launched a mobile application for reporting cyber security incidents, as part of efforts to fight cyber-attacks that have risen sharply due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The mobile application, available on the android and the IOS platforms will facilitate government agencies, businesses and individuals to report cyber security cases, check and track the resolution status and process of complaints.

It will also complement the existing web-based reporting solution on the National KE-CIRT website.

“Given the growth of digital transformation across Africa since last year, the continent has become an attractive target for those looking to exploit a lack of user education and cybersecurity understanding,” Mr Opil said.